

Vegan is defined as no animal or animal by-products which include bones, flesh, dairy, eggs, fur, honey, leather, wool, down-feathers and any cosmetics or chemical products tested on animals. The Certified Vegan is for products that do not contain animal products or byproducts and that have not been tested on animals. The certified logo is easily visible to consumers interested in vegan products and helps vegans to shop without constantly consulting ingredient lists.

The Vegan Awareness Foundation requires that products approved for the use of Certified Vegan Logo must:

  • Not contain meat, fish, fowl, animal by-products (including silk or dyes from insects), eggs or egg products, milk or milk products, honey or honey bee products.
  • Involve no animal testing of ingredients or finished product by supplier, producer, manufacturer or independent party.
  • Provide verification information from supplier that animal products were not used in the manufacturing of ingredients.
  • Contain no known animal-derived GMOs or genes used to manufacture ingredients or finished products.

Our Commitment

Going vegan is a choice, and we respect that choice here at BiGH. We will closely follow the guidelines of The Vegan Awareness Foundation to make sure our Vegan customers are well treated for their goodwill and effort.

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