
Privacy Notice

Keeping your information secure is a top priority for BiGH Corporation. (“BiGH,” “we,” “us,” or “our”). This privacy statement outlines our views and practices and how they pertain to you as a visitor to (the “Site”). Please check back periodically, as these policies may change and your subsequent use of the Site will be deemed acceptance of such changes. However, our fundamental commitment to protecting your privacy will not change.

  1. Collection of Information
    • Information You Volunteer: We only collect personally identifiable information you voluntarily provide while using our services, such as name, mailing address, email address, telephone number and payment card data. You may always choose not to provide us with information. However, we may not be able to provide you with the services you have requested. Visitors may access the Site without disclosing personally identifiable information.
    • Information Collected Automatically: We do not automatically log personally identifiable information nor link information automatically logged by other means with personally identifiable information about specific individuals. However, we may record non-personally identifiable information that becomes available to us through your use of the Site, including, without limitation, the number of visitors and frequency of visits to the Site. This information may include the websites that you access immediately before and after the Site, the Internet browser you use, and your IP address. If we use this information, it is only on an aggregate basis.
    • Cookies and Other Similar Technologies: Like most websites, we use cookies, or data files automatically stored on your computer, to enhance your visit to the Site by better understanding how visitors use the Site. In general, cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information unless you as a visitor knowingly supply the information. We use cookies in order to recognize you when you return to the Site and to provide you with a better user experience. We do not use cookies to store personally identifiable data nor link non-personally identifiable information stored in cookies with personally identifiable information about specific individuals. We may allow third parties to use cookies or similar technologies on the Site but we do not control the use or contents of third party cookies. Web browsers often permit you to erase cookies from your browser cache, block cookies, or receive notification when cookies are used.
  2. Use of Information
    • We use the information collected on the Site to provide you with the services you have requested, to serve you with content, and to enhance your overall experience while visiting the Site.
  3. Sharing information with Other Parties
    • BiGH may use internal and external service providers to operate the Site and perform other work on our behalf in the course of providing you with services you have requested. These service providers may have access to your personally identifiable information, but are contractually bound to use your information only for the purpose of performing their duties.
    • BiGH does not sell, trade or rent your personal information to any third parties for marketing purposes. We value your privacy and will not jeopardize our relationship with you by selling your information to solicitors without your prior consent.
  4. Security of Information
    • BiGH takes administrative, technical and physical measures to help ensure that your personally identifiable information remains accurate, timely and secure. However, no data transmission over the Internet, or through an electronic database, is guaranteed to be 100% secure. Although we strive to protect your information through the following steps, we cannot guarantee or warrant its security:
    • BiGH restricts access to personally identifiable information to our employees, contractors and agents who need to know that information in order to perform their jobs. They are obligated to respect the confidentiality of your personally identifiable information and may be disciplined or terminated for failing to meet these obligations.
  5. Data Safety & Access or Corrections
    • BiGH will keep personally identifiable information in active files or systems as long as necessary in order to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. We will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the information is accurate and complete and will update or correct your information as needed when notified by you.
  6. Children
    • The Site is a general audience website and is not designed or targeted at children. BiGH does not knowingly collect, use or disseminate any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13. If we become aware of personally identifiable information regarding a child under the age of 13, we will use such information for the sole purpose of contacting a parent or guardian to obtain verifiable parental consent. If we cannot do so after a reasonable period of time, we will make reasonable efforts to delete it from our records. Upon request from the parent or guardian, we will provide a description of the specific types of personally identifiable information that may have been collected.
  7. Third-Party Links
    • The Site may contain links to web sites operated and maintained by third parties over which we have absolutely no control. Any information you provide to third party websites will be governed under the terms of each websites’ privacy policy and we encourage you to investigate and ask questions before disclosing any information to the operators of third party websites. We have no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the content, actions or policies of third party websites. The inclusion of third party websites on our Site in no way constitutes an endorsement of such websites’ content, actions or policies.
  8. Complains
    • BiGH takes your privacy seriously. If you believe we have not complied with this privacy statement, please contact us so we can investigate your complaint.

Please send your question or complains to:

BiGH Corporation
Complain Department
2200 E Route 66
Suite 103
Glendora, CA 91740 USA


Last update: 5/30/2016

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