
Gluten Free

Gluten-free certification is a process designed to protect consumers with gluten-related disorders by confirming that a food drink or supplement meets strict standards for gluten-free safety. It assures consumers that there is third-party oversight confirming the legitimacy of the manufacturer’s gluten-free process and claims. The Certified Gluten Free logo represents the independent verification of quality integrity and purity of products all held to the strictest gluten-free guidelines.

In recent survey of over 5000 consumers over 80% said they buy products marked gluten-free (GF) over similar products. At the same time 65% said they have little trust in manufacturing.

In the market place Gluten-free certification gives consumers confidence in a product and make it easier to identify safe and trusted products. Products that have been certified gluten-free will typically bear a symbol on the label so customers with celiac disease and other gluten-related disorders can quickly and easily recognize the symbol and know that the product as earned approval.

Our Commitment

At BiGH, we want our customers with gluten-related disorders to trust our brand and feel safe and confident when they consume our products, and that is why most of our products are Gluten-Free. As we move forward we will continue to develop high quality nutritional supplements with those customers in mind.  

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